[Tuxedo] 22c console 설치

2022. 11. 7. 17:18



리눅스 설치파일만 있고 리눅스 7부터 지원된다. 링크 참고




Installation Guide






내려받으면 sftp나 fileZila, 또는 MobaTermX를 사용하여 파일을 전송할 수 있다.


나는 moba가 권한문제? 로 안되었기 때문에 sftp를 사용하였다.


sftp 사용법은 다음 링크에 있다.


2022.08.05 - [OS/LINUX] - [LINUX] SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) 의 명령어를 활용한 파일 전송


[LINUX] SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) 의 명령어를 활용한 파일 전송

업무를 하다보면 Window OS에서 Linux OS로 또는 반대방향으로 파일이 빈번히 오고 갈 수 있다. (리눅스는 오픈소스 소프트웨어이기 때문에 가능) 원격서버로 파일 전송을 하는 방법 중 한가지인 SFTP




[oracle@jwchoi|/sw/tp/tux22c]$ ls

[oracle@jwchoi|/sw/tp/tux22c]$ unzip V1031234-01.zip

Archive:  V1031234-01.zip
   creating: Disk1/
   creating: Disk1/install/
  inflating: Disk1/install/runInstaller.sh
  inflating: Disk1/install/lsnodes
  inflating: Disk1/install/tuxInstaller
   creating: Disk1/install/resource/
  inflating: Disk1/install/resource/cons_ko.nls
  inflating: Disk1/install/resource/cons.nls
  inflating: Disk1/install/resource/cons_pt_BR.nls
  inflating: Disk1/install/resource/cons_it.nls
  inflating: Disk1/install/resource/cons_fr.nls
  inflating: Disk1/install/resource/cons_de.nls
  inflating: Disk1/install/resource/cons_zh_TW.nls
  inflating: Disk1/install/resource/cons_es.nls
  inflating: Disk1/install/resource/cons_ja.nls
  inflating: Disk1/install/resource/cons_zh_CN.nls
  inflating: Disk1/install/detachHome.sh
  inflating: Disk1/install/console_install.jar
  inflating: Disk1/install/oraparam.ini
  inflating: Disk1/install/addLangs.sh
  inflating: Disk1/install/oneclick.properties
  inflating: Disk1/install/clusterparam.ini
  inflating: Disk1/install/oraparamsilent.ini
  inflating: Disk1/install/unzip
  inflating: Disk1/install/attachHome.sh

설치 시작. 콘솔모드로 설치한다.

[oracle@jwchoi|/sw/tp/tux22c/Disk1/install]$ ./runInstaller.sh -console

This shell script guides you through the installation and configuration of your Oracle Products.  Press "Enter" to accept the default and proceed to the next screen.  You may cancel this installation at any time by typing "quit".
Press "Enter" to continue:

Choose Inventory

->1- Central Inventory
2- Private Inventory
0- Go back

Enter a number: 2
Enter your private inventory pointer file: /sw/tp/tux22c/oraInventory
invalid inventory pointer file: /sw/tp/tux22c/oraInventory

Enter your private inventory pointer file: /sw/tp/tux22c/oraInventory
invalid inventory pointer file: /sw/tp/tux22c/oraInventory

Enter your private inventory pointer file: /sw/tp/tux22c/oraInventory/oraInst.loc

Choose Oracle Home

->1- Create new Oracle Home
2- Use existing Oracle Home
0- Go back

Enter a number: 1
Enter ORACLE_HOME: /sw/tp/tux22c/
/sw/tp/tux22c/ is not empty. It is recommended to specify either an empty or a non-existent directory.

Do you still want to use this folder as ORACLE_HOME?

1- Yes
0- Go back

Enter a number: 1
Enter ORACLE_HOME_NAME: tux22c

Choose Install Set

Please choose the Install Set to be installed by this installer.

->1- Full Install
2- Server Install
3- Client Install
0- Go back

Enter a number: 1

Confirm Enable TSAM Plus Agent

Would you like to enable TSAM(Tuxedo System and Applications Monitor) Plus Agent?

->1- Yes
2- No
0- Go back

Enter a number: 2

SSL Support Choice

Would you like to Support SSL

->1- Yes
2- No
0- Go back

Enter a number: 2

Samples Installation Choice

Would you like to install Oracle Tuxedo Samples?

1- Yes
->2- No
0- Go back

Enter a number: 1

Tlisten Configuration Choice

Would you like to configure Oracle Tuxedo tlisten?

->1- Yes
2- No
0- Go back

Enter a number: 1
Enter Password:
Verify Password:

Pre-Installation Summary

Install type: "Full Install"
Install Folder: "/sw/tp/tux22c/"

->1- Start installation
0- Go back

Enter a number: 1

Starting Oracle Universal Installer...

Checking Temp space: must be greater than 500 MB.   Actual 10721 MB    Passed
Checking swap space: must be greater than 500 MB.   Actual 3967 MB    Passed
Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from /tmp/OraInstall2022-11-05_01-58-09AM. Please wait ...Oracle Universal Installer, Version Production
Copyright (C) 1999, 2018, Oracle. All rights reserved.

You can find the log of this install session at:
.................................................................................................... 100% Done.

Loading Product Information
............................................................................................... 100% Done.

Analyzing dependencies
.................................................................................................................. 100% Done.

Global Settings
    Source: /sw/tp/tux22c/Disk1/install/../stage/products.xml
    Oracle Home: /sw/tp/tux22c (tux22c)
    Installation Type: Full Install
Product Languages
Space Requirements
   / Required 687MB (includes 39MB temporary) : Available 10.44GB
New Installations (19 products)
   Oracle Tuxedo
   Tuxedo Jolt JRLY
   Oracle Tuxedo System and Applications Monitor Plus (Oracle TSAM Plus) agent
   Tuxedo CORBA Client
   Tuxedo ATMI Client
   Oracle Services Architecture Leveraging Tuxedo (Oracle SALT)
   Tuxedo Server
   Tuxedo Corba Client Core
   Tuxedo Jolt Client
   Tuxedo Server Core
   Tuxedo Client Core
   Tuxedo ATMI Client Core
   Oracle Universal Installer
   Oracle One-Off Patch Installer
   Installer SDK Component
   Java Development Kit

Installation in progress (Saturday, November 5, 2022 1:58:17 AM KST)
...............................................................  36% Done.
...............................................................  72% Done.
................                                                 82% Done.
Install successful

Linking in progress (Saturday, November 5, 2022 1:58:26 AM KST)
Link successful

Setup in progress (Saturday, November 5, 2022 1:58:26 AM KST)
.............                                                   100% Done.
Setup successful

Saving inventory (Saturday, November 5, 2022 1:58:27 AM KST)
Saving inventory complete
Configuration complete

End of install phases.(Saturday, November 5, 2022 1:58:27 AM KST)
The installation of Oracle Tuxedo was successful.
Please check '/sw/tp/tux22c/oraInventory/logs/silentInstall2022-11-05_01-58-09AM.log' for more details.
Tuxedo Installed. Configuring tlisten.
tlistpwd: INFO: Password appended to file "/sw/tp/tux22c//tuxedo22.".


중간에 private orainventory 선택하게 되면 내가 지정한 인벤토리를 물고 들어간다.


따라서 oraInventory 디렉토리와 oraInst.loc 파일을 미리 만들어줘야함.


[oracle@jwchoi|/sw/tp/tux22c]$ mkdir oraInventory

[oracle@jwchoi|/sw/tp/tux22c]$ ls
Disk1  V1031234-01.zip  oraInventory

[oracle@jwchoi|/sw/tp/tux22c]$ cd oraInventory/

[oracle@jwchoi|/sw/tp/tux22c/oraInventory]$ vi oraInst.loc

[oracle@jwchoi|/sw/tp/tux22c/oraInventory]$ chmod 750 oraInst.loc

oraInst.loc 내용 

oraInventory 절대경로와 사용자 계정



22c 설치 끝. 


무엇이 업뎃 되었는지 알아봐야겠다.

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